The result is a pattern of hierarchical cushions that show the structure in the directories and files. The principle is simple: each time a rectangle is subdivided, ridges are added. SequoiaView - a disk browsing tool based on the principle of treemaps, with one unique feature added, namely Cushion Treemaps. JDiskReport - an application which enables you to understand how much space the files and directories consume on your disk drives, and it helps you find obsolete files and folders. By using a Treemap visualization layout, you have immediate perception of where big folders and files are placed on your devices.

SpaceSniffer - an application that lets you understand how folders and files are structured on your disks. You can also minimize DiskMon to your system tray where it acts as a disk light, presenting a green icon when there is disk-read activity and a red icon when there is disk-write activity.
By default it recurses directories to show the total size of a directory and its subdirectories.ĭiskMon - an application that logs and displays all hard disk activity on a Windows system. The chart shows all major files and folders from all directory levels at once.ĭisk Usage - command line utility that reports the disk space usage for the directory you specify. Scanner - This tool uses a sunburst chart to display the usage of your hard disk or other media. The Explorer context menu is supported within TreeSize, as well as the usual drag & drop operations.
Scanning is done in a thread, so you can already see results while TreeSize Free is working. All results can also be drilled down to the file level. You can expand this folder in Explorer-like style and you will see the size of every subfolder. TreeSize Free can be started from the context menu of a folder or drive and shows you the size of this folder, including its subfolders. TreeSize Free - There is both a paid and free version.

WinDirStat - WinDirStat is a disk usage statistics viewer and cleanup tool for Microsoft Windows. I have tried several now, and among these I prefer WinDirStat and TreeSize.